Book publications compiled for edition by Pomeranian Science and Technology Publishers ======================================================================== Hints for the Authors ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please observe the following editorial aspects: ======================================================================== 1. be particular about high archival value of the proposed work 2. the title and the abstract of the chapter should point to its novelty content and show a relation to the matter of the book 3. avoid abbreviations in the title of the chapter (only commonly recognized acronyms are acceptable) 4. the titles of all levels, picture captions, and table headings should be aligned to the left (sub)margin 5. do not apply full stops after the titles and subtitles of chapters, subchapters and sekctions 6. the headings of remarks, theorems, procedures, and tables, as well as the captions under figures end with a dot 7. the titles and the headings of remarks, theorems, procedures are in bold 8. all acronyms, math and other symbols should be defined 9. new terms are in italics only when introduced/defined 10. use italics also for non english terms 11. acronims, technical names and units, as well as parenthesis or braces should always be stright (not curved) 12. observe uniform denotations 13. mathematical formulas should be carefully edited with the use of a proper equation editor, both in text and in separate lines, where they should be indexed by consecutive numbers put to the right margin (in parenthesis) 14. both figure captions and table headings (ended with a dot.) should be descriptive (informative) 15. observe the readability of: - the figures (taking into account printing in gray scale), and - the whole work (give references/explanations, avoid jargon) 16. keep prudence and parsilony of the presentation (by avoiding superfluous illustrations and other material) 17. give good (informative and conclusive) summaries of chapters 18. on a separate page, supply the title of the book or chapter, the names of the authors, their affiliation, addresses, e-mails and abstracts 19. in editing the chapters take advantage of the template files, available on the PWNT www pages: "book" (or "book_template_I") for book issues with numerical references [1], "bookhrvd" (or "book_template_II") for books using the harvard bibliography (Kobus, 2007), "collection" (or "collection_template_I") for editorial issues with the numerical referencing, "collectionhrvd" (or "collection_template_II") for editorial issues with the harvard bibliography, "proceedings" or "conference_template_I" for conference proceedings 20. carefully treat the authors copyrights: a. it is forbidden to copy/scan a figure from other works: a similar figure can be drawn when supplied with a suitable note and citation b. a copy can be applied, along with a suitable referencing note ("With the permission of..."), based on a permission of the owner of the copyright that should be attached to the PWNT COPYRIGHT TRANSFER AGREEMENT/FORM c. in the case of electronic copies of www pages, which are not warranted, they have to be similarly cited [12] d. in the case of screenshots of working packages, it should be clearly stated in a suitable note/caption, which/whose product it concerns. ============================== In the case of other doubts or questions, please contact